Monday, August 6, 2012

Tomorrow..... my long awaited doctor's appointment for my full physical.  Why i am nervous is beyond me; i am doing this for a starting point, starting numbers and to speak to my doctor about what i am going to do.  You would think that i would be confident and relaxed as i've done my homework, read just about everything i could get my hands on and have my veggies in a row.  (Get it?!?!  hahaha.....'veggies in a row'!)

But like almost every overweight person, i dread the doctor's office.  I hate getting on the scale.  I hate hearing how much i weigh.  You would think that at my age, hearing a number wouldn't be such a big issue for me.  It's a number, for heaven's sake!  It doesn't describe all of me.  That number doesn't make me a "good" or "bad" person.  It's just a dang number.  This time, though, it is a starting number for me as i take on this new way of eating.  All of my numbers will be.....and this is how i will look at it.

I'm nervous.  As i think about what i'm going to be changing, i am extremely nervous.  I'm going to change how i eat in a really big way.  While i know that this is necessary and that i truly want to do this, i'm still a bit nervous.  Perhaps if i look at what i'm doing as 'training' to be a better me instead of in a pass/fail kinda project, it would benefit me.  I don't think that slowly changing my ways is the way to go, though.  I think that going cold turkey and jumping in with both feet with a good mind set is the way to begin.  Slowly changing just leaves a loop whole, you know?

And so, i'm off to the store and to get my notes in order for tomorrow.  I'm curious as to what my doctor will say.  I respect this man and value his opinion so i will listen to what he has to say after i tell him why i am there.  I'm lucky that this doctor actually listens to what i have to say....and for this, i'm grateful.

Until tomorrow....

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