Monday, July 9, 2012

The Long Road

Since coming home from our beach vacation, i've been in a bit of a contemplating mode.

Thoughts sometimes rush though my head as i read recipes or learn even more about being a vegan/vegetarian.  It literally means a complete overhaul of the way i eat and live. It means a commitment to eating and living in a way that require disciplined and finding new ways to eat.

It really comes down to "Eating to Live".  At my age, i finally see the importance of what i put into my body.  What you put into your body is what your body fuels itself with.  If you put good stuff into your body, your body then fuels itself with good fuel.  If you choose to put bad stuff into your body, your body then fuels itself with bad fuel.  Your body can only use what you choose to put into it; nothing more, nothing less.  I only wish that it hadn't taken me so long to figure this simple, yet important, concept out.

"Empty calories are empty calories.  Cookies, jams, and other processed foods
 (even those from a health-food store) sweetened with 'fruit juice' sound healthier 
but are just as bad as white-sugar products."  
~Eat to Live

Yes, i had to read that paragraph a few times as i truly believed that things sweetened with fruit juice were on the 'good' list of foods to eat.  I have eaten an enormous amount of food sweetened with fruit juice thinking that i was doing a good thing....

As raw as one can eat seems to be the best way to eat.

I have a my doctor's appointment coming up soon.  I'm getting a complete physical with blood work done to get my numbers.  The thought of doing this makes me want to hurl, but i need a starting place to document.  I will tell you that every time i've ever stepped on a scale at a doctor's office, i've wanted to literally kick his scale through the wall.  I tell myself, "It's just a number, it's just a number, it's just a number' in a chant but that number has always meant so much more.  The number has always been an indication to me of my level of health.  Too high a number means i fail horribly....stunning what power i give a scale, something i STEP on, so much power, eh?

I'm off to the store for some much needed items and to get some items that i've never heard of to make what looks like amazing food.  I'm going to try a new recipe tomorrow night; i'll be sure to post the recipe and thoughts about it.  I have so many new recipes to try that i'm excited about cooking....which really hasn't happened in a long time, lol....

Off i go....

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